Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Beginnings, New Adventures

"Busy" has definitely been the word of the week, or the few for that matter. Life's pretty good. Not excellent, but getting better and better everyday. I came home last night and I just need to reiterate how much I really love being back in this town. The people here are pretty amazing and they have helped me tremendously throughout all of my difficult times. So, I'm excited to be back with everyone (minus the four days of finals in Fresno). I'm ready for life again. I'm ready for things to continue moving forward and I'm so excited for the things that God is going to do. I feel almost like the poison in my life is gone (minus a few things) and I just feel so much better (kind of when the bako people go down to SLO and breathe fresh air). So this is my new beginning, again. I wonder, how many new beginnings can you have? Regardless, here's anbother new beginning for me and definitely another, new, grand adventure.

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