Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just Wonderful

I'm obviously horrible at updating this thing. Sorry to whoever still follows my blog. So, what's new with me? Well, I can't really say a whole lot! I'm still in school. About halfway though now and though I don't like school itself, I fall in love with nursing more and more each day. For the past two weeks I have had the same patient. This patient has been through a lo in the past few years medically and now she is fighting off a horrid infection among other things. I feel extremely blessed to have her as a patient because she makes me remain humble. No matter how busy I think I am, or hectic things seems to be, her fragile state reminds me to slow down, be gentle, and take my time with her. She is definitely not the kind of patient you can rush. Also, you really have to get her trust and, more importantly, her family's trust. She really reminds me of Chris. I think that's why I feel blessed because I can put the same amount of energy in to her as I did with Chris but this time with a little more knowledge. It's people like her that remind me of why I went in to nursing in the first place and how much I really love this field. I thank God everyday for the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life.
On another note, as of today, I have a job. Yippy! I will be working for macy's. I am very excited for multiple reasons. This is the first job I've ever gotten without my dad's help. I feel like I'm finally growing up! So with school and this new job I imagine I'll be staying pretty busy. Learning to manage my time and budget has been a big lesson for me so far this year, but this year has also been one of the best in a long while. Thanks Jesus for all the doors you have open, and shut. Life is truly wonderful.

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