Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year

Well, I guess its that time to review 2008 and all its ups and downs...
2008 started off, well, I honestly don't remember and that's really my issue with 2008, I don't remember half of it. Honestly though, 2008 was probably one of my darket years. In the beggining of 2008 I was on my second semester at Fresno State. Took 2 Econ classes, a yoga class, Comm 8, and a Creative Writing Class. Creative Writing was Amazing...Taking 2 Econ classes at one time was amazingly stupid...COmm 8 was fun...and Yoga was the biggest load of crap ever. The remaining Winter months went by smoothly and then we hit Spring. Normally my favorite season of the year but this is where the problems of 2008 really started occuring. The ex and I were having issues (He was cheating) and my grades fell, dramatically. I was sick, and lost a lot of weight (and I looked great!). Summer was just about the same. Became engaged to that same ass of an ex and then fell brutally out of love all the while catching up with some old friends (and one in particular I grew much closer to). The end of summer sparked a new beginning and a difficult battle with myself. Four hospital visits later and I was on new medication with a new love (stange to put those two things in a sentence huh?). Fall brought new friends, good times, and a healthier, more vibrant me. Winter brought changes of all kinds: a new place to call home, a high school friend turned lover, and adjusting to a life loving a soldier. The year was rocky and even though it may have been one of my worst years, I probably learned the most in 2008. So for 2009 I predict happiness, healthy relationships, growing closer to God and to Family. It will be an interesting year for our Country and some hard times are on their way but as always, I will perservere and so will our Country. I predict 2009 will be a great year, but probably one of the most challenging yet for me. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and live every moment to it's fullest!

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